Anton, the elusive and secret head of the PanGaea Cooperative, likes nothing better than indulging the hedonistic decadance offered in one his very own Party Palace Terror Stars.
AntonChanning's Articles In Politics
December 2, 2003 by AntonChanning
"Visit one of our PartyPalace TerrorStars and you too can enjoythe wild and ecstatic music of humanities wildest musicians! Youtoo can partake legally of 23 halicinogens banned by the Altariansand Torians! You too can visit one of the 666 pleasure brothels,all supplied with a variety of pleasure slaves of all major races,and a good selection of minor races, androids and artificiallygrown pleasure life forms! Experience our mood lighting andsensual incenses! Best of all, watch in ...
December 2, 2003 by AntonChanning
Hunter Gatherer society. Cooperation with wolves which lead to domestication. Science has shown that all modern domestic dogs have descended from at least 5 seperate successful domestications of wolves. For hundreds of thousands of years humanity lived in this way. Even at the dawn of the space age, some parts of the world were inhabited by hunter gather societies. Serpent images, hermaphrodites, fertility, shapeshifting, and halucinogen/entheogen use recur in such societies across the world...