Anton, the elusive and secret head of the PanGaea Cooperative, likes nothing better than indulging the hedonistic decadance offered in one his very own Party Palace Terror Stars.
Have Fun, Have Pleasure, Have a Life.
Published on December 7, 2003 By AntonChanning In Current Events

Fellow inhabitants of PanGaea,

You will pleased to know that the powers that be have a secret plan that will increase the potential for unadulterated pleasure throughout the known universe. This plan must remain secret at present and will only be discussed among the top warlords of the PanGaea Cooperative.

But let it be known that the plan has the codename 'Operation UP'.

Remember, we are not your leaders. We're just the people with the big war fleet that keeps the nasty authoritarians away...

Have Fun, Have Pleasure, Have a Life.

Note to non-PGC warlords. You to can take part in Operation UP! All you have to do is follow these simple steps...
1. Join the PanGaea Cooperative Empire...

2. Create a JoeUser blog with your character background information posted on the 'History' channel.

3. Announce you are ready on this thread so I can contact you with further details...

Note to everyone else. Operation UP is coming. All will be revealled soon...

on Dec 09, 2003
I am from Michigan where UP stands for Upper Penninsula
on Dec 13, 2003
Thats not what it stands for here. Also, it has nothing to do with United Planets, which is what UP stands for normally in the GalCiv game...