Anton, the elusive and secret head of the PanGaea Cooperative, likes nothing better than indulging the hedonistic decadance offered in one his very own Party Palace Terror Stars.
Some background information on the elusive leader of the PanGaea Cooperative
Published on December 1, 2003 By AntonChanning In History
Very little is known about Anton Channing, and of that information that is available in the public domain, some is highly dubious, some is unverifyable and the rest does give much away.

Most intriguing is that in the early 21st century there does exist another Anton Channing, a Hermetic Alchemist of some repute, who allied himself with Discordianism, Chaos Magic and several Illuminati organisations. He was known for being a fun loving hedonist, an anarchist but nonetheless intellectual individual whose career spanned computer programming, fetish modelling, fine art and writing. He also founded a non-heirarchical chaos organisation by the name of Kaotic Illuminated Adepts. He also had an interest in Marrial Arts, having begun with Tae Kwon Do as a child, gaining a 1st Dan Black Belt, several medals and winning the British under-16 Welter weight championship at age 15. As an adult however, is interest in Alchemy lead him to Taoism, and as a result he began to train in Tai Chi instead.

Now, there are those who speculate that this Anton and the current Anton are in fact the same person. Whilst it is true that they share more than their name in common, Anton would have to be over 200 years old for this to be true. Of course those that claim this point to his interest in Alchemy, saying that he discovered the secret of the Philosophers Stone, or the Taoist 'Pill of Immortality'.

Other than this, all that is known is that he began his current career as a galactic conquerer working for the Illuminati Empire, which was already beginning to show signs of decline at the time he signed up. It wasn't long before he defected from this group and formed his own, the PanGaea Cooperative. To start with he worked alone, but eventual two powerful generals came to his aid, liking what he was trying to acheive. These generals and the PanGaea Cooperative have there own stories...
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